Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Complete Orb Effect Priority Table

Read the following text for your own benefit!
The two golden rules:
1: Orb effects will never stack. 2: You may only place one buff per attack. And as an information sticker:

  • You will only get the effect that is listed in the box. If you get both, it says both. If there's some strange mechanics to it, it's listed in the legend.

  • Eye of Skadi will be a melee eye of skadi if the unit that picks it up is currently in melee form. It will be ranged if the unit that picks it up currently has a ranged attack. Switching forms may or may not affect the form of the Eye of Skadi, it depends on the ability that changes your range

  • Ursa Warrior is as of 6.44 a melee unit. Doombringer is a melee unit. As of 6.28, Banehallow remains as a melee unit in his ultimate form. Strength Morphling is no longer in the game.

Critical Strikes and Bashes

Both, critical strikes and bashes stack with diminishing returns, as according to the formula:

1 - ( 1 - A ) * ( 1 - B ) * ( 1 - C ) * ... * ( 1 - X ) = Chance to get at least one bash / critical strike

where A, B, C and so forth are the seperate chances for each item or skill that can bash / critical strike.
Note that all critical strikes and bashes in the game are rounded to the nearest 5% of chance before calculating them in this formula.
So a 36% chance to crit (such as Juggernaut currently has) is actually 35%. However, this does not mean that the percentage you get out of this formula will be rounded to the closest 5%.

Critical strikes

When calculating damage from critical strikes, if two occur at once, only the last critical strike skill or item you acquired will have effect.
Note that a skill counts as acquired when level 1 of it is learned.
An item counts as acquired every time its picked up.


When calculating bashes, the result depends on whether you're a melee hero or a ranged hero.
It is true for both however, that if you bash an already stunned unit, the greater of the remaining stun time and the bash time of your bash will be used. That means that a bash can never shorten the amount of time a unit is stunned.

Melee heroes' bashes stack fully, so if two or more bashes occur at once, the longest stun time from all the bashes will be used (bashes never shorten stun time) and all the different bash damages will be added .
The damage is reduced by spell resistance, and eliminated by magic immunity.
The damage is a separate source and therefore does not count to lifesteal and does not interact with critical s trikes in any way.
Additionally, melee units' bashes have a clear advantage:
The stun part of the bash is NOT eliminated by magic immunity and therefore you can even stun magic immune units, though they will get no additional damage from the bash.
As melee heroes can proc more bashes on one attack, the formula above only gives the chance of having at least one bash ( and for that a stun ) per attack. This also means that on melee heroes, the damage output from the bashers are not affected by diminishing returns.
Two bashers means you have 27.75% chance to land at least one bash on the opponent, but 25.5% chance to get one bash and 2.25% chance to get both bashes. Since the damage stacks, this gives as much average damage as 30% chance to bash once.

As for ranged heroes, it's the other way round. The bash damage is added directly to the normal attack damage and therefore it behaves just like any normal damage increase (it's reduced by armour value and armour type, it grants lifesteal, etc.). The stun part is blockable by magic immunity. However, a ranged hero can not land multiple bashes in one hit - a proc of a later acquired bash will always completely overwrite an earlier achieved one.

Bash and crit interactions

On melee heroes crits and bashes will have no interaction with each other (they are independent of each other). This means the critical multiplier will never multiply the bash damage.

On ranged heroes every crit achieved after a bash or another crit will completely negate the earlier achieved crits and bashes on its procing. In essence, this means that if you proc multiple crits and bashes on a ranged hero, the last acquired crit that triggered will count as the only critical, and if any of the bashes that procced were acquired after the critical was acquired (not procced), the last of those bashes would add damage (which isn't multiplied) as well as the stun.

6.67C changelog

  1. Fixed casting distance exploits with Skewer
  2. Fixed a bug that could sometimes cause everyone in the game gets a massive FPS drop for a minute
  3. Fixed Cleave/Anchor Smash from instantly killing Swarm creatures
  4. Various performance improvements when casting The Swarm
  5. Fixed Soul Steal channeling text in the tooltip
  6. Non-hero units now do half damage to The Swarm
  7. Commands like -test and -wtf are now restricted if there is a gamebot deciding the mode to be used
  8. Fixed a bug with lifesteal and The Swarm creatures
  9. Fixed a rare Mac issue with shared Soul Ring
  10. Added passive icon for Strygwyr's Thirst
  11. Added passive icon for Plague

Let’s Keep DotA Clean – Don’t Cheat!

There’s many text on Internet about cheating in DotA. Some evil authors writes about tricky ways to cheat in Garena. I call you avoid that dirty business. Don’t cheat in DotA games, even if you think it’s just a couple of times for fun. When there’s many people just trying it for fun it creates atmosphere like “they all cheat, so why shouldn’t I?”. And it birth the growing snowball of cheating. So, please, just enjoy the pure fun of DotA and resist desire to cheat if you see someone is playing dirty in your game. That’s weak people, don’t pay attention to them. Just forget about cheats and enjoy DotA :)


his guide is based off of Desolater. And should be played as such. A solo lane is prefereable, although not absoloute. I already know of a couple people looking for a Replay such as this, but it should still be posted. The skill and item build should be as follows.

1.Take Aim
2. Headshot
3. Take Aim
4. Headshot
5. Take Aim
6. Assassinate
7. Headshot
8. Take Aim
9. Headshot
10. Stats
11. Assassinate
12-15. Stats
16. Assassinate
17-20 Scattershot
21-25. Stats

Boot of Travel – Bracers – Desolator – Butterfly – Heart of Tarrasque

Good use of Assassinate, last hits, denys, and general lane control is a MUSt. This guide is premium, and the replay should reflect that style. Absolutly no Public games for this replay. No playing style lower than TDA. And even then I will watch the gameplay to make sure that it is fitting for the guide.

Try and read the guide strategy a little bit, before playing to know what the guide writer is trying to teach. And try and imput those teachings into the guide.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'd like to greet everyone who is reading this guide. Originally I've written this guide because HiT0Mi stopped updating his. I learnt the basics from him so I want to thank him again for teaching me how to play this hero.

Back in 6.32b Visage was one of the scariest picks in leagues and tournaments. He was capable of farming up a Radiance, Travel and two Hearts in like 50 minutes in an even game. After that getting a Dr Aegis was a kid's game.

Later his return-damage was nerfed (28% -> 20%), he was more easily killed and he didn't own that hard in team fights as before. Also new viable picks came in (Chen era with early push, more ganks, less farm), that seemed to be stronger than building up your team around Visage.

In 6.50 he was redesigned into a much different hero, but with some similarities remaining to the old version. Soul Assumption was turned into a powerful passive ability, Grave Chill became a viable spell early game thanks for the lower mana cost. However, the biggest change was with Gravekeeper's Cloak that became a team-healing aura instead of remaining a return-damage aura. In my humble opinion this remake was more of a buff than a nerf and allows Visage to become a more versatile hero.

  • Good soloer (high damage, high regen)
  • Good pusher (thanks for revenants)
  • Good tank (thanks for his aura and the farming abilities)
  • His revenants help a lot in observing the map
  • Noobie-friendly (in pubs with just auto-attack you can easily get a Relic in like 15 minutes)
  • No disabling abilities (only a slow)
  • needs survivalability boost or else he gets raped easily