Luna Moonfang, the Moon Rider
It was a dark and mysterious night.. (Yea right, i'll cut the crap right off.) Anyways, it was a bright, shining full moon that night. A group of traveling warriors had built a camp nearby at a riverbank. The camp leaders, Bradwarden, The Centaur Warchief and Rigwarl, the Bristleback were walking in the nearby forest one evening. They were discussing what they should hunt for dinner tonight. When all of a sudden, Bradwarden sees a glimpse of light east of their position, as if something was falling from the sky. "D'ya see tha Riggy?" "Oink, OinkiOink?" [From now on translated to English -->] "See what my dear friend Bradwarden?" "Thea wa' laig sumdin droppin' fron di skies, meeby id wa' sum'in we be eatin' ?" (Should this be translated too?) "If I may express my opinion, I sincerely doubt that my friend. Maybe it was a rock, or maybe you just actually saw nothing but mud in your always-dirty eyes." "Yee bu I'm zure I' wa' sumtin, meh gu loogin' for id' !" After a while, Bradwarden comes back with a little Night elf baby on his hands. (Wait a sec.. Hands or Hoofs?) "Yu see, see, Id' Wa' sumtin! We gan be eatin' id righ' ? "No, wait my dear friend. If she actually is from the sky, maybe she has some special powers that we can use in our righteous fights during our travels!" "Nauh me be hungry! I dink wi shuld jusd eat'im." "Give the baby to me you hideous barbarian. Let us take it back to the camp." As the baby grew older, her stepfather, Rigwarl, taught her all the basics of combat. For some reason, Luna, Named by Rigwarl after thinking where she might be from, (Centaur's suggestion was Emergenzyfoodie.) was able to throw her throwing star so that it would bounce to nearby targets as well, as if a slight beam was carrying it where the thrower wanted it to go. Also, when the rangers from the camp were training, it seemed like the arrow sunk deeper, doing more damage, when Luna was around. This was when Rigwarl noticed that this girl was something different. Time passed by and Luna grew older and stronger by the age. One night the camp was ambushed by a group of bandits. After a long, tiresome fight our heroes thought that this would be the end of the story, when all of a sudden, Luna looked up on the moon and made a strange waving move with her hand. Suddenly, beams of moonlight started dropping from the skies. The bandits got frightened and ran away shouting, "She has the power of the Moon Goddess Elune!" Ever since that, Luna has been able to direct one ray of light to a single target, or a group of rays at random nearby targets once in a while. After the traveling group was disbanded, these three mightiest warriors from the camp decided to join The Sentinel that was struggling in their fights against the evil Scourge. This is where this story drops off, and the legend of "the Defense of the Ancients" begins. "Yee, Dis bee di endin'."
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