Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'd like to greet everyone who is reading this guide. Originally I've written this guide because HiT0Mi stopped updating his. I learnt the basics from him so I want to thank him again for teaching me how to play this hero.

Back in 6.32b Visage was one of the scariest picks in leagues and tournaments. He was capable of farming up a Radiance, Travel and two Hearts in like 50 minutes in an even game. After that getting a Dr Aegis was a kid's game.

Later his return-damage was nerfed (28% -> 20%), he was more easily killed and he didn't own that hard in team fights as before. Also new viable picks came in (Chen era with early push, more ganks, less farm), that seemed to be stronger than building up your team around Visage.

In 6.50 he was redesigned into a much different hero, but with some similarities remaining to the old version. Soul Assumption was turned into a powerful passive ability, Grave Chill became a viable spell early game thanks for the lower mana cost. However, the biggest change was with Gravekeeper's Cloak that became a team-healing aura instead of remaining a return-damage aura. In my humble opinion this remake was more of a buff than a nerf and allows Visage to become a more versatile hero.

  • Good soloer (high damage, high regen)
  • Good pusher (thanks for revenants)
  • Good tank (thanks for his aura and the farming abilities)
  • His revenants help a lot in observing the map
  • Noobie-friendly (in pubs with just auto-attack you can easily get a Relic in like 15 minutes)
  • No disabling abilities (only a slow)
  • needs survivalability boost or else he gets raped easily